About our School and District...

Mission Union Elementary School is a small rural K-8 public school with a current enrollment of approximately 124 students. It is located in Monterey County approximately 5 miles west of Soledad, California and is the sole school in the Mission Union School District.

Mission School was established to provide schooling for the children of the Salvation Army's Fort Romie Settlement established in 1897. The original school was situated approximately one quarter of a mile west of the current school site in a one-room house. In 1932, a new school was built just east of the original school, and in 1974 Mission School relocated to the east across Foothill Road to its' current location.

Founded as an agricultural settlement, the community has held fast to those farming roots. The majority of people residing within the district are involved in agriculture and agribusiness. Occupying the western edge of the Salinas Valley, a diverse selection of produce constitutes a significant portion of agricultural production. Also, the Mission District lines stretch up into the Santa Lucia Highlands which provides ideal weather patterns for a thriving wine industry. As such, students are heavily involved in agricultural activities and organizations. The Mission 4-H Club holds its monthly meetings in the Mission Union School District's multi-purpose room. 

A primary strength of the school is without question the harmonious relationship between community and school. The resulting synergy creates a school environment that is not only positive, but productive. The Mission Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) provides tens of thousands of dollars each year toward classroom supplies, educational field trips, end of year "Fun Day", and other opportunities that would not be available otherwise. 

Mission students enjoy a robust full-time music and art program. These programs are into their seventh year and are currently funded through the next two more years through the generous donation of a local donor. Student art projects have entered into and won awards at the Salinas Valley Fair art contests annually. 

These and more opportunities are a direct result of the collaborative relationships that exist between all stakeholders. It is this close bond between, parents, community members, students and staff that has created the culture of success which exists in our district...and makes Mission School a unique and special place to be.

More recently, Mission Union Elementary School District is focusing on upgrading our accessibility to stronger wifi through the BIIG high speed broad band internet project. We are also currently working on getting a new ground water well designed and installed for future use, projected to be completed by 2026. Currently we are using POU systems and water bottle stations for clean, safe, filtered water distribution. We will also be working toward installing a perimeter fence to enhance school safety measures.

We are excited for the 2023-24 school year and the new memories we will make together as we continue to progress!